Our mission is to make test prep as affordable to as many families as possible without sacrificing quality curriculum and instruction. We have budget-friendly Group and Private tutoring options available. You can even create your own virtual or in-person Boot Camps where scholarships are available.

At Dean Academy we pride ourselves on being accessible to all of our students. Many options for direct communication with Joanna and her team will be provided to students and parents. No bots here!

Do you have an anxious test taker? Does your student have a strong GPA, but a weak SAT or ACT test score? Or, is your student already a high test performer, but you want to see even higher scores. Consider customized private tutoring. Students do not learn the same way or at the same pace. Let's face it, we all have strengths and weaknesses, and we find them and use that to the student's advantage. At Dean Academy, we meet each student where they are by customizing the private tutoring sessions to the individual student's needs and learning style.



We are more than just teaching test-taking strategies. We are invested in our students. We are in the business of creating a positive mindset, building their confidence, and helping them hit their stated goals.
There is just no substitute for live instruction. Pre-recorded video lessons simply don't hold the attention of many students. While private tutoring is the most ideal, our group classes are still a great way to learn the strategies, practice what we teach, and be involved in the process. We keep our group classes small (no more than 10 students) so consistent interaction can happen during our sessions. Although we record our live classes for those that miss a group session, videos tend to not hold the attention of the student as well as live instruction. Here at Dean Academy, we strive for connecting with students through live, interactive classes by calling students by name, using private chat during class for students to ring in with their answers, and allowing students to ask questions during our sessions. Students play an active role during these test prep sessions, which increases learning...and scores!
The cornerstone to Dean Academy's students' success is our physical curriculum binder. Each and every one of our students will receive in the mail our full curriculum binder with two complete tests (more available upon request for no additional charge). This binder is a valuable tool for students to use during the Boot Camp and afterwards for review. As we go through the test prep curriculum online or in-person, students have the problems and strategies right in front of them, so they are able to take notes, space to work out the problems, and have something to review as the test day approaches.